
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Step by step instructions to move your remote system keys starting with one PC then onto the next

On the off chance that you need to move all the remote system keys put away in one PC into another PC, Wireless Key View utility can help you to do that effortlessly, if both PCs run the Windows working framework.

With a specific end goal to move your remote keys into another PC, take after the guidelines beneath:

Run Wireless Key View in the PC that stores the remote keys you wish to move.

Select the remote keys that you wish to move, or essentially press Ctrl+A to choose all keys.

Press Ctrl+E (Export Selected Items) and pick a file name to spare the remote keys.

In the other PC, run Wireless Key View, and press Ctrl+I (Import Keys From Export File)

Pick the fare file name that you spared in the first PC.

On the off chance that you take after the directions effectively, the remote keys from the first PC are presently put away in the second PC.

Before you begin utilizing this element, you ought to know that there are a few issues/restrictions:

The import highlight just takes a shot at Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or later, including Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows Vista. You can't utilize the import highlight on Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2. Instead of the import highlight, the fare highlight takes a shot at any framework, incorporating Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2.

The import highlight on Windows XP/SP3 is moderate, and Wireless Key View might transitory hang amid the import process.

The remote keys put away inside the fare record are not scrambled, so in case you're worried about the security of your system, you ought to keep this document in a spot where unapproved clients can't read it, or basically erase it after the import procedure is done.

The import include just works with a content document made with the 'Fare Selected Items' alternative. You can't utilize the import highlight with the documents made by the 'Spare Selected Items' alternative.

Your remote system connector must be dynamic while utilizing the import highlight. On the off chance that you have a USB remote connector, you should plug it before you begin the import process.

On the off chance that you have numerous remote system connectors, an isolated key section will be included for every connector.

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