
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Material Procurement Process

1.       Request for Orders:
a.       Order quantities & E.T.As received from M.P by mid of every month through email.
2.       Ordering Process:
a.       Check the requested material quantities and E.T.A received from M.P as per agreed lead times with suppliers.
b.      If any deviation form agreed lead time discuss it with M.P.
c.       If the required material is as per agreed lead time, P.E creates P.Os for the respective demand in S.A.P within 2 working days from the date of receiving the request.
d.      P.E will send the P.O’s created to respective suppliers by Email and C.C to Geodis Wilson.
3.       Supplier Confirmation:
a.       On receipt of orders supplier email the O.C via email within 2 working days.
b.      P.E to check whether the E.T.As confirmed by supplier through email is in accordance with those requested.
c.       If the O.C is as per our requirement, P.E will send an email to G.W for arranging of vessel bookings on the same day O.C received.
d.      In case of any deviation from the requested E.T.As, P.E will send an email to supplier for improvement in E.T.As and C.C to M.P.
e.      If supplier agrees and improves the E.T.A’s than P.E will send an email to G.W for vessel bookings.
f.        If supplier is not able to improve the E.T.A’s than P.E will send an email to M.P informing him the situation and keeping in C.C all concerned.
g.       If M.P agrees to those deviations in E.T.As, than P.E will send an email to G.W for vessel bookings.
h.      If M.P does not agree with the delayed E.T.As, than P.E will take up this matter with the B.M.T for expediting the shipments or arrangement of that material from other T.P-C.F.
4.       Booking Confirmations – G.W:
a.       G.W upon receiving confirmation email from both supplier and P.E will arrange for the bookings with the shipping lines and email those bookings to P.E within 14 days.
b.      If the booking received meets the requested/agreed E.T.As, P.E will give go ahead to G.W and enter the bookings received in the Log Book against the respective shipment.
c.       In case of any deviation from the requested/agreed E.T.As, P.E will write an email to G.W for improvement in vessel bookings to meet our agreed E.T.As.
d.      If G.W arranges for the bookings as per our agreed E.T.As than P.E will enter the bookings received in the Log Book against the respective shipments.
e.      If G.W is not able to expedite the vessel bookings than P.E will communicate those delays to the M.P the same day keeping in C.C all concerned.
f.        In this case if M.P agrees to those delays, P.E will give go ahead to G.W and enter those bookings in Log Book.
g.       If M.P does not agree with the delayed E.T.As, than P.E will take up this matter with the TLGT for expediting those shipments.
5.       Shipment/Documents Follow-up:
a.       P.E will keep track of all the BM shipment on daily basis.
b.      P.E will track the bookings received online from the respective shipping line website on the date of ETS to see if they are on track.
c.       If any deviation found in ETS, P.E will immediately send an email to G.W and supplier to inquire the reason for delay keeping M.P in C.C.
d.      If the shipments are on track and there is no deviation in the ETS & E.T.A communicated by G.W, then P.E will ensure that the shipping documents will be received within 15 working days from the date of shipment.
e.      If documents were not received within 15 days of shipment, than P.E will write an email to supplier and G.W fro arrangement of documents.
6.       Inland transit:
a.       On arrival of shipment at Karachi Port it is the responsibility of P.E to ensure that those shipments will be moved from Karachi within the demurrage free days.
b.      P.E will make sure that the duties for the respective shipments will be delivered to AAS enterprises within 2 working days from the date of shipment arrival / demand by AAS enterprises.
c.       P.E will also communicate with the W.H.T and discuss with them the shipment offloading plan and the same should be communicated to AAS Enterprises.
d.       P.E will make sure that the shipments moved from Karachi will reach the factory as per agreed loading / offloading plan.
e.      In case of any deviation from the loading / offloading plan, P.E will immediately inform the W.H.T and the M.P and all concerned C.S.R’s.
7.       Payment to Suppliers:
a.       P.E will ensure that the invoices will be paid to the respective suppliers on their respective due dates.
b.      In case of delay in payment of any invoice, P.E will inquire the reason of delay from the finance dep’t and accordingly communicate it to the supplier.

Additional Materials:
1.       Request for Orders:
a.       Order quantities & E.T.As received from M.P by mid of every month through email.
2.       Ordering Process:
a.       Opening & Closures:
                                                               i.      Use the opening and closure online module and raise the request for P.P.L allocation for each Add Mat request.
                                                             ii.      An email will be received within 24 hours confirming the P.P.L allocated and the estimated E.T.A.
                                                            iii.      P.E will create a P.O in S.A.P mentioning the respective P.P.L within 24 hours of receiving the allocation request.
b.      All Other Add Mat’s:
                                                               i.      Send an email to the respective CSR at T.P.I requesting for the P.P.L allocation for the respective material within 24 hours of receiving order request from M.P.
                                                             ii.      T.P.I-C.S.R will then confirm through email the allocated P.P.L and the estimated E.T.A. 
                                                            iii.      P.E will create a P.O in S.A.P mentioning the respective PPL within 24 hours of receiving the allocation request.
3.       Order Confirmations:
a.       On receipt of orders T.P.I will send the Order confirmation through email mentioning the E.T.A’s within 2 working days from the Order date.
b.      P.E to check whether the E.T.As confirmed by supplier through email is in accordance with those requested.
c.       If the O.C is as per our requirement, P.E will enter the information received on O.C in the Log Book.
d.      In case of any deviation from the requested E.T.As, P.E will send an email to T.P.I for improvement in E.T.As and C.C to M.P.
e.      If T.P.I agrees and improved the E.T.A, P.E will enter these in Log Book.
f.        If there is no improvement in the E.T.A’s communicated then P.E will inform M.P and all concerned.
4.       Booking Confirmations:
a.       After sending O.C, T.P.I will send the booking confirmation through email mentioning the actual ETS & E.T.A’s within 7 working days from the O.C date.
b.      P.E to check whether the E.T.As confirmed by T.P.I through email is in accordance with those requested.
c.       If the bookings received are as per our requirement, P.E will enter the booking information received in the Log Book against the respective shipment.
d.      In case of any deviation from the requested E.T.As, P.E will send an email to T.P.I for improvement in E.T.As and C.C to M.P.
e.      If there is no improvement in the E.T.A’s communicated then P.E will inform M.P and all concerned and enter the delayed E.T.A’s in the Log Book.

5.       Shipment/Documents Follow-up:
a.       P.E will keep track of all the Add Mat shipments on daily basis.
b.      P.E will track the bookings received online from the respective shipping line website on the date of ETS to see if they are on track.
c.       If any deviation found in ETS, P.E will immediately send an email to T.P.I to inquire the reason for delay keeping M.P in C.C.
d.      If the shipments are on track and there is no deviation in the ETS & E.T.A, then P.E will ensure that the shipping documents will be received within 15 working days from the date of shipment.
e.      If documents were not received within 15 days of shipment, than P.E will write an email to T.P.I / PPL for despatch of documents.
6.       Inland transit:
a.       On arrival of shipment at Karachi Port it is the responsibility of P.E to ensure that those shipments will be moved from Karachi within the demurrage free days.
b.      P.E will make sure that the duties for the respective shipments will be delivered to AAS enterprises within 2 working days from the date of shipment arrival / demand by AAS enterprises.
c.       P.E will also communicate with the W.H.T and discuss with them the shipment offloading plan and the same should be communicated to AAS Enterprises.
d.       P.E will make sure that the shipments moved from Karachi will reach the factory as per agreed loading / offloading plan.
e.      In case of any deviation from the loading / offloading plan, P.E will immediately inform the W.H.T and the M.P and all concerned CSRs.
7.       Payment to Suppliers:
a.       P.E will ensure that the invoices will be paid to T.P.I on their respective due dates.
b.      In case of delay in payment of any invoice, P.E will inquire the reason of delay from the finance dep’t and accordingly communicate it to T.P.I.

Spare Parts:
1.       Request for Orders:
a.       Approved quotations in hard form received from SP Store.
2.       Ordering Process:
a.       P.E will ensure that all the required signatories have signed the quotation.
b.      The approval flow is as follows:
                                                               i.      PKR 1 – 60,000                   Approving Authority: D.M only.
                                                             ii.      PKR 60,001 – 200,000      Approving Authority: D.M + P.D
                                                            iii.      PKR 200,000 – 2 Million  Approving Authority: D.M + P.D + F.D
                                                           iv.      Above PKR 2 Million        Approving Authority: D.M + P.D + F.D + M.D
c.       In case there is any approval missing, P.E will send back the quotation to SP Store the same day for signatures of the missing authority.
d.      If all the approvals are intact, then P.E will create P.O in S.A.P and get that P.O approved by P.S.E and P.D within 24 hours of receiving the approved quotation.
e.      The P.O approval flow is as follows:
                                                               i.      PKR 1 – 60,000                   Approving Authority: P.S.E only.
                                                             ii.      PKR 60,001 – 200,000      Approving Authority: P.S.E + P.D
                                                            iii.      PKR 200,000 – 2 Million  Approving Authority: P.D + F.D
                                                           iv.      Above PKR 2 Million        Approving Authority: M.D
f.        After the P.O has been approved, P.E will send that P.O through email to the respective supplier keeping in C.C the N.O and the S.P.I
3.       Order Confirmations:
a.       On receipt of orders suppliers will send the O.C through email mentioning the E.T.A’s within 2 working days from the Order date.
b.      If O.C not received within 2 working days P.E will send a reminder email to the respective supplier.
c.       On receipt of O.C, it is the responsibility of P.E to check whether the E.T.As confirmed by supplier through email is in accordance with those requested.
d.      If the O.C is as per our requirement, P.E will enter the information received in the Log Book.
e.      In case of any deviation from the requested E.T.As, P.E will send an email to the respective supplier for improvement in E.T.As and C.C to S.P.I and the N.O.
f.        If supplier agrees and improved the E.T.A, P.E will enter these in Log Book.
g.       If there is no improvement in the E.T.A’s communicated then P.E will inform S.P.I, NO and all concerned.
4.       Shipment/Documents Follow-up:
a.       P.E will keep track of all the Spare Parts shipments on daily basis as Per the E.T.A communicated in O.C.
b.      The supplier before despatch of material will send a draft of shipping documents for approval through email.
c.       P.E will respond within 1 day of getting that email and advise the supplier of any amendment required in shipping documents.
d.      The supplier upon confirmation will instruct the respective carrier for pickup of the shipment and will send the set of shipping documents through email as well as through surface mail.
e.      P.E will make sure that the documents of respective material will be received through email within 1 working day from the date of shipment.
f.        If documents were not received within 1 working day, than P.E will write an email to supplier for despatch of documents.
g.       On receipt of documents through email, P.E will send those documents through email to AAS enterprises for their clearance and despatch to factory.

5.       Payment to Suppliers:
a.       P.E will ensure that the invoices will be paid to the suppliers on their respective due dates.
b.      In case of delay in payment of any invoice, P.E will inquire the reason of delay from the finance dep’t and accordingly communicate it to T.P.I.

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